We can save a lot of money with Child ViSion Glasses design, the glasses feature self adjustable lens so that you can have a clear vision as your eyesight changes. These glasses are designed for children, but it doesn’t mean you can’t wear them, especially those who are live in the area without access to an optician. Students who don’t see clearly might have to sacrifice their education performance, this issue rises in developing countries where there are not eye professionals to provide affordable eyeglasses.
Goodwin Hartshorn has teamed up with CVDW (Centre for Vision in the Developing World) and Dow Corning to address this issue by creating glasses for young people with adjustable power lenses where the wearers can correct their vision without help from eye care professionals. The glasses are pretty eye-catching with straight, lightly spring arms, they are perfect for wide variety of facial types and ages. This concept eyeglasses have won the inaugural Visitor Vote for the Design Museum’s Designs of the Year 2013.
Designer : Goodwin Hartshorn
These glasses are too nerdy looking . Remember you are designing for kids who can be mean. Make the design more conventional so you don’t get the poor kid beat up