Fiole through its motto, fashion art of vehicle, is an exceptionally designed proposal concept car for Chanel. Luxury brand buyers have appreciated this design just not for its functionality and practicality, the style, prestige and beauty was their main concern above all. Excellent sketches, decent design, interesting video staging and easy to read body shape of this car will make the execution process of this project smoother. The official logo of Chanel is presumed to be used at the rear end of the sidewall. With all the remarkable features, Fiole could be the best product among all other products that have been offered by Chanel.
Designer : Jinyoung Jo
I just wish cars that are creative like this would actually make it past the concept stage. It seems like for such a long time we've dealt with cars that while some have looked nice, most have looked bland. I say that about the mainstream car, not the sports car or big cars.
I want a car that is electric and gets better mileage than my current mid-size Hyundai sedan. I want something that looks radical and different. The problem of course, is that the majority of people unfortunately don't. It really rubs me the wrong way to see future cars robbed of their true potential because people are not ready to trade in or drive next to electric or radical cars.
Id drive this but CHANEL- FERRARI or
BMW, Audi, Lexus, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin?
Way Cool & have Chanel do the interior & let IE BMW do the Tech stuff.
Now thats a venture.
I would possibly buy this but deffinetly not under Chanel. I could see this being made by Lexus or possibly BMW maybe even VW.
@ stephen russell : I am sorry but I could never see this being brought out by Ferrari or Audi. Radically different design concept.
Could be a z car from BMW or a hybrid/fully electric car by Lexus.
How much would a car like this run? Because I would spend alot alot alot to get a car like this. Its classy, has style, and is sleek, not only all those things, it seems to be a great car. The thing I dont understand is if a car does so good in concept stage why dont they built it. Im sure there are alot of people willing to spend money to get a car like this, I know I’m one of those people
Hello Renae.. I can make that happen for you but not for less that 4million GBP.. Contact me on [email protected] for more information. If this is your league. We have the power to produce.