PH Conditioner Skyscraper Concept to Improve Air Quality and Neutralize Acid Pollutants

PH Conditioner Skyscraper Concept to Improve Air Quality and Neutralize Acid Pollutants

To be honest, PH Conditioner Skyscraper concept is very ambitious project to improve air quality while providing fresh water and fertilizer as well. Yes, if we kept on doing what we’re doing with industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels, in the future, we might face Acid rain. Do you know that SO2&NOx produced by […]

GO Portable Office Concept Was Inspired by Vintage Camera

GO Portable Office Concept Was Inspired by Vintage Camera

We just got design submission from Victor Vetterlein, GO Portable Office. GO is a pre-manufactured and portable office to be used in the garden of a private residence. The use of GO helps separate work and family life while not having to commute to an office. The shape of GO is inspired by vintage field […]


Allarna Iron – Elegant Iron Chiminea witn Internal Fire Grate

Allarna Iron is a beautiful wood burning outdoor fireplace crafted from heavy-duty cast iron construction. This iron Chiminea would be a great addition to your backyard, a modern version from terracotta chiminea made from durable steel with internal fire grate. It’s easy to build a cozy wood-burning fire whenever you want, perhaps […]

Tuvie's Staff Picks
Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Art Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects

Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Art Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid Architects just finished the design of Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Arts Center, China. It’s an ambitious project to build Grand Theater which will become the largest venue in the city with capacity of 1800 seats. This building complex will host world-standard performance therefore it is completed with VIP hospitality as well such as: […]

Sleeping Around Hotel Concept : Pop-Up Hotel Offers You Unique Experience and Adveture

Sleeping Around Hotel Concept : Pop-Up Hotel Offers You Unique Experience and Adveture

Sleeping Around hotel concept, just like its name suggests, it means you might locate this hotel at different places for every few days. It’s a pop-up hotel which means exclusive, flexible and innovative, it provides you with unique experience with a strong element of surprise. You might not be so surprised with the term of […]

D*Dynamic House Rotates and Transforms Itself into 8 Configurations

D*Dynamic House Rotates and Transforms Itself into 8 Configurations

A house for all seasons, D*Dynamic transforms itself dynamically based on season, meteorological and astronomical conditions. The inspiration came from Henry Dudeney, an English mathematician, discovery that a square can transform itself into an equilateral triangle, thus making D*Dynamic a house that is able to transform itself into 8 different configurations. The flexibility of this […]

Tricycle House and Tricycle Garden Could Be The Future of Single Family Home in China

Tricycle House and Tricycle Garden Could Be The Future of Single Family Home in China

A temporary house might be the answer for those who can’t afford their own land, this is a fundamental condition in China. Tricycle House and Tricycle Garden has brought interesting concept for the future where people and the temporary land their occupy can develop temporary relationship. This project aims to create affordable single family home […]

Japan National Stadium by Zaha Hadid Architects

Japan National Stadium by Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid National Stadium design has won the first prize of Japan New National Stadium International design competition. At first, Tokyo National Stadium was built in 1964 for the purpose of hosting Tokyo Olympics as well as marking the progress of the nation of Japan post-war. Today, this design competition was held with aim to […]

Emptyful Sculpture at the Millennium Library Plaza by Pechet Studio

Emptyful Sculpture at the Millennium Library Plaza by Pechet Studio

A giant glass flask stands at Millennium Library Plaza, and no, this is not some statements made by crazy scientists. It’s actually a beautiful Emptyful sculpture, created by Pechet Studio as part of Winnipeg’s Public Art Program. We saw this object from Lumenpulse, we thought hey … who said science can’t blend well with art? […]

Trampoline Bridge Concept for Paris by Atelier Zundel Cristea

Trampoline Bridge Concept for Paris by Atelier Zundel Cristea

Would like to cross a bridge while jumping on trampolines? Well, if the competition was won by AZC team, you could be. Trampoline Bridge concept has been designed by Atelier Zündel Cristea for Paris as a response for A Bridge in Paris competition. The brief was to design architectural reflection that function as contemporary urban […]

Epiphyte Pavilion : Self Sufficient Modular Summer Pavilion Creates Surreal Atmosphere Through Its Media Projection

Epiphyte Pavilion : Self Sufficient Modular Summer Pavilion Creates Surreal Atmosphere Through Its Media Projection

Epiphyte Pavilion can travel around the world as an example of ecological building that features modern aesthetic design architecture. It’s a modular summer pavilion which has been developed to be easy to deconstruct as well as transport. This pre-fabricated building is designed to have zero carbon emissions, it collects energy at daytime from the sun […]

Shelter byGG : A Sculptural Object and A Living Space in Public Place

Shelter byGG : A Sculptural Object and A Living Space in Public Place

“Shelter byGG” project is a living space and a sculptural object that can be placed in public space. Pretty cool idea actually, the idea was based on the author’s working theme which is transforming sculptural objects into design objects, turning them into products that can be used every day. Gabriela Gomes, the person behind this […]

Future Addis Ababa National Stadium and Sports Village in Ethiopia

Future Addis Ababa National Stadium and Sports Village in Ethiopia

This Addis Ababa National Stadium and Sports Village project is the winning design for future stadium in Ethiopia held by Federal Sport Commission. All football and athletics-loving will enjoy this new Olympic standard stadium that boasts sixty thousands seats as well as ground breaking architecture design. LAVA in collaboration with DesignSport and JDAW, a local […]

Crab Work Hub : Office Building Design for All Environment by Alp Germaner

Crab Work Hub : Office Building Design for All Environment by Alp Germaner

If your office is surrounded by breathtaking views, then Crab Work Hub is the perfect building. The architecture design was inspired by Lunar Lander structure and crabs, those four stairs represent the entrance and exit access to the office building. The industrial designer said that these images were not the final renders, he is still […]

Module Armadillo by Volodya Domaretskii

Module Armadillo by Volodya Domaretskii

Module Armadillo is designed to provide large buildings like hangar and administrative buildings in a disaster zones. This building itself consists of frame, screw files foundation and lightweight facade panels while the dimensions depend on its frame. They are available in different widths: 9000mm, 12000mm and 15000mm. The Length depends on amount of sections in […]

Coodo Residential Building My Home : Modular Prefabricated Building To Live Anywhere

Coodo Residential Building My Home : Modular Prefabricated Building To Live Anywhere

Coodo Residential Building My Home is a modular prefabricated building for future living. You can combine multiple units horizontally and vertically to create your dream home, each unit represents different living space such as living room, bathroom, utility room and even staircase. Each unit is fully equipped and furnished, therefore it’s ready to use immediately. […]