Floating Hotel with Catamaran-apartments Is Perfect for Nature Tourism

Floating Hotel with Catamaran-apartments Is Perfect for Nature Tourism

Floating Hotel is a special project developed with aim to promote tourism on inland waters where guests can enjoy wonderful nature in untouched areas. This project would be perfect solution for tourism without any violation of the natural harmony of the place itself. Designed to float on water, it consists of 2 parts: central floating […]

Tentative Post Disaster Tent : Compact Disaster Shelter Solution

Tentative Post Disaster Tent : Compact Disaster Shelter Solution

Inspired by recent earthquakes in Turkey, Hakan Gürsu has come up with Tentative Post Disaster Tent concept. Do you know that natural disasters have displaced more than 22 million people in 2013 alone, this number is 3 times more than war. That’s why it’s crucial to support the housing of these victims through sturdy temporary […]

SeaScape Floating Villa Features Stylized Triangular Pontoon Base

SeaScape Floating Villa Features Stylized Triangular Pontoon Base

Coastal living concept has been unveiled by BMT Asia Pacific that offers you unique experience, more than style and luxury. SeaScape is concept of floating villas that boast open air spaces and clean lines, each villa is housed on stylized triangular pontoon base where guests can choose to enjoy a standalone villa or combine each […]

Laterns Sea Village : Temporary Housing Proposal for Surfers in Tarita

Laterns Sea Village : Temporary Housing Proposal for Surfers in Tarita

Archinect has designed Laterns Sea Village, a set of tetrahedral buildings for surfers in Tarifa. This architecture features light tetrahedron structures that hover over the sea, suspended in just one point. It’s a perfect place to house suffers who enjoy the beach without interfering on a beautiful landscape of Tarifa. These 100 tetrahedron architectures line […]

Ecocapsule : Low-Energy House in A Compact Form for Two Adults

Ecocapsule : Low-Energy House in A Compact Form for Two Adults

For all adventure lovers, Ecocapsule would like to provide you with low-energy house packed in a compact form that you can place in any location. This small habitat boasts energy efficient shape, compact volume, and off-grid capabilities, you would also appreciate the warm bed, running water, and a hot meal. Ecocapsule might look small but […]

Collingwood Shepherd Hut : Cozy Little Hut for One Person

Collingwood Shepherd Hut : Cozy Little Hut for One Person

Collingwood Shepherd Hut is a cozy and comfy little hut that you can tow anywhere. You can move it wherever you want without any extra construction costs or building permits, this little hut blurs the line between office, home, and cabin. Crafted from hardwearing materials, set atop cast iron wheels, this little studio/playroom/home office/den is […]

Air Monument : Self-Sustaining Atmosphere Database Skyscraper

Air Monument : Self-Sustaining Atmosphere Database Skyscraper

Air Monument is a atmosphere database skyscraper to help people study better to find better solution for climate change. Realizing global climate is a growing problem, studying atmosphere components might provide the possibilities for us to learn the law of climate changing. This futuristic building is a conceptual skyscraper that keeps atmosphere samples automatically every […]

SG.Entrada-59 : Futuristic Space Station by Shwetank Pandey

SG.Entrada-59 : Futuristic Space Station by Shwetank Pandey

In 2050, when science has grown exponentially and people of earth have come to know about space and time more than ever before, a space station is specially designed to accommodate 2000 people and 100 space vehicles and team of scientists and researchers are sent to explore the universe. The team requires finding the proof […]

Artificial Snow Cave Rope Shelter by Margot Krasojevic

Artificial Snow Cave Rope Shelter by Margot Krasojevic

Artificial Snow Cave Rope Shelter is a design submission from Margot Krasojevic. It looks like a futuristic shelter that would protects you against freezing weather, perfect for mountain climbers looking to find a place to rest. You can read Margot’s complete explanations below. The hut offers a snowdrift frame made from weighted carbon fibre mesh, […]

Esfera City Center Residential Project by Zaha Hadid Architects

Esfera City Center Residential Project by Zaha Hadid Architects

Esfera City Center residential project is located in Huajuco Canyon, this project would provide new homes for Monterrey’s fast growing population. The client’s brief originally was to build 12 homogenous residential towers but Zaha Hadid Architects has proposed better and amazing alternative community-oriented design that features a low-rise yet high-density residential building of 981 apartments […]

Floating Seahorse Offers You Amazing Underwater Retreat

Floating Seahorse Offers You Amazing Underwater Retreat

The Floating Seahorse has been officially launched by Kleindienst Group in March at the Dubai International Boat Show. It’s a unique concept of habitable boat and only 42 units have been launched in Dubai. This magnificent boat has received many praises from media, clients, and investors, from Saudi Arabia to Norway, well, we truly believe […]

Office Building of A Gas Company by Naser Nasiri and Taher Nasiri

Office Building of A Gas Company by Naser Nasiri and Taher Nasiri

The main idea of this building architecture is to combine traditional and temporary design where traditional soul can breathe inside. Designed by Naser Nasiri and Taher Nasiri, this building has been designed for a gas company where the employer believes in traditional architecture that features arabesque patterns of Islamic. The main structures of the building […]

Waternest 100 – Ecological Floating Habitat Recyclable Up To 98%

Waternest 100 – Ecological Floating Habitat Recyclable Up To 98%

WaterNest 100 is an awesome, eco-friendly floating home. Designed by Giancarlo Zema for EcoFloLife, this green architecture design consists of 100sqm residential unit with 12m diameter and 4m high. This environmentally friendly house is made entirely out of recycled glued laminated timber along with a recycled aluminum hull. This floating habitat features cool balconies which […]

Samsung Dream Doghouse : High-Tech House for Our Furry Friend

Samsung Dream Doghouse : High-Tech House for Our Furry Friend

It looks like Samsung has imagined a luxurious house dedicated for our furry friend here, take a look at Samsung Dream Doghouse. Perhaps this company wants to reach another market after their success in human market, after smart TVs, smart phones, smart devices, now smart house for dogs. It’s a $30,000 doghouse displayed at Crufts […]

Ribbon Chapel by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Co.

Ribbon Chapel by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Co.

A gorgeous wedding chapel spirals up from the ground to bring you magnificent view of the Inland Sea of Japan. Designed by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Co., Ribbon Chapel is located at a beautiful place surrounded by trees over 10m high while the top of the chapel provides an observation platform to ocean views. At […]