A lot of concept gadgets are coming up primarily to utilize the human senses. Of course the sense of touch is what is being utilized the maximum with many touch screen devices being developed. When almost every latest phone is touch screen can laptops be left behind? An Italian company V12 design has devised ‘Canova’ which is a dual LCD laptop, which is yes touch screen. Though the design is more than four years old, the company wants to take this a step further by introducing the second generation laptops of the same series. It is working on the device to support multi touch and also fit in the microphone to enable voice commands. They claim that the model should be on the market by 2010!
Designer : V12Design via LaptopMag
This device looks amazing. Came across it in computer class while searching for computer genrations. I would loove one.
how much does this cost and where can you buy from?
As an advance graphics designer, this development is a miracle, I love it. How much will it cost and is it out yet? cus I wanna buy one.
How many does it cost and please mention some important characteristics and where you can buy it