C-Orby Composer Cooker transforms every smell and flavor of your food into unique musical and visual performance. We can taste and smell delicious food but that’s it, this cooker tries to bring our senses to another level when it comes to food. This device is completed with smell sensor and taste sensor where each of them should have different tune. In this way, when you cook your food using C-Orby Composer Cooker, it defines what you put inside. Since every ingredient has different kind of tune datas, they can be composed into unique songs and visualizations using its custom made algorithm. So, not only you’ll be able to smell and taste your food, you can now listen to them.
Designer : Orcum Erdem
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Tuvie has received “C-Orby Composer Cooker” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
Another crazy Electrolux Design that will never happen! This stuff reminds me of how the Sci-Fi writers in the 40's and 50's thought 2012 would be like. Electrolux designs stuff for 50 years down the road, and by then we probably wont even want something that looks like Marvin (The Depressed Robot from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
Seriously, I understand that these companies want to push the envelope with new designs and have some sort of break through product that makes TONS of money for them. But rather than coming up with retarded designs that will never happen, why not come up with stuff that we can use TODAY?
Start changing the way we use products today instead of thinking of how we MIGHT use them 50 years from now.