Gardeners would love this Butterfly Biome, it’s a little A-frame house specially designed for these beautiful species to thrive. It’s a little house that provides butterflies need all year long.
In spring and summer, the door of this house folds down and turns into a front porch feeding station, it has removable cups for nectar and seed. These beautiful, winged visitors can roost among those cozy partitions in the back with good privacy. In the fall, you can close the “porch” back into the house, this way, non-migrating butterflies can safely hibernate in those roosting partitions. Butterflies are as important as bees, they are not just fun to watch but also has critical purpose as well. Butterflies are pollinators, together with bees, birds, bats, and moths, they pollinate over 75% of world’s flowering plants. This butterfly house is made of durable cedar that can handle years of weather. [Buy It Here]