Barbora Tobolova has submitted BiWa, a bike washing machine that kinds of remind us to the similar concept Bicycle Washing Machine (BWM). Basically the idea is the same, you can exercise while washing your dirty laundry, it’s a healthy way to get clean clothes. BiWa is integrated with backwheel washing capsule where you can place your dirty laundry, so unlike BWM which is a stationary bike, you can ride BiWa for real.
You’re going to need to start pedaling around for about 2-3 kilometers to wash your clothes, perhaps you might as well go to the nearest shops to buy some of your groceries. There’s a small opening in the capsule to let dirty water out so that you can re-fill it with clean water to rinse. It’s a nice eco-friendly urban mobility.
Designer : Barbora Tobolova
Tuvie has received “Biwa – Bike Washing Machine” project from our ‘Submit A Design‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their design/concept for publication.
how much is it
Biwa, is going to be produced soon
I want to know the price of the bike washing machine, please
If the price will not be preposterous I will definitely buy one.
Hi, everyone we are developing the first BiWa prototype.
It’s our pleasure to present it in near future.
Keep in touch!
This looks amazing! Is it on the market yet?
Hello, we develop the concept, we will be on the market soon 🙂
Did you make it on the market?