Emotions play a very significant role in communication. You make different faces for different types of emotions. Here comes a new keypad with 16 touch buttons that communicate 16 different emotions. This “Bajca” project is really amazing like a teenage-game. These buttons can also be used to create emotional jewelry for wearing or gifting or exchanging. The need for such a project has always been there because everyone loves to exchange feelings or tell stories about lives. You can anytime change your smiley with other one that has different graphics and meaning to express yourself.
Text from the website:
Bajca is the new “Smile Keypad” for people who cannot do without “emoticon”. With a simple USB connection Bajca connects to the computer, adding 16 emotional keys that represents a different “smile” each one: finally each emoticon is found in one key, apart from before where a combination of keys had to be used in order to create the same emotion. New collections of Bajca will permit a large amount of expressions on the web. The keys can also be used to create personal jewelry to wear and show: everyone representing our emotions of everyday life! Designed by ADRIANO DESIGN for PROGIND, Bajca’s idea arise from connecting deeply the virtual with the real life. Bajca is the instrument that “make real” the emotion- a digital translation of every sensation- telling the story of everyday life; spoken, touched and wear every day.
Bajca is a new keyboard with sixteen keys to communicate the same number of different emotion/ actions. The keys can be replaced with others having different graphics and meaning. The keys can also be used to make emotional “jewels” to be worn, given away and exchanged. What may seem an ironic and playful game for teenagers is actually much more. It is the tool, the “pen”, for contemporary communication; a universal and empathetic communication based on small plastic “buttons”.
Designer : Adriano Design [ProductPage]