David Voltner, a Czech transportation designer, has come up with a sport car design proposal for AUDI. Featuring low suspension and narrow body design, Audi Quattro Plus offers better aerodynamic performance.
The point was to create very dynamic shape by using contrast between sharp and soft, which will clearly communicate futuristic and premium spirit of AUDI. For this aim I set three major themes in the hierarchy: artistic design – safety – efficiency, as the most important topics for the automobile design in the near future. “AUDI QUATTRO PLUS” was inspired by sport yachts that combine all primary characters, which I translate as clean, sophisticated, and sportiness. This inspiration also predestines the vehicle for smooth and long distance traveling.
Designer : David Voltner
More images of AUDI Quattro Plus Concept Car:
Love this, id drive this, Audi produce this model, for 2019.