Alarm Glasses for Hearing Impaired People by Sangjin Joo

The main idea of this project is to alert deaf people to potential dangers around them. Alarm Glasses have been designed especially for hearing impaired people who have hard time walking down the road. Since they can’t hear what’s coming from the side or rear, it would be very dangerous for them to cross the road alone. They are not able to hear any car’s horn or sound coming from the blind side, so, this device is dedicated to tackle those issues.

Designer : Sangjin Joo

Alarm Glasses for Deaf by Sangjin Joo

Alarm Glasses for Deaf by Sangjin Joo

This glasses will notify user whenever there’s loud sound such as shouting, car’s horn, alarm, etc. it uses 2 different methods to notify user, first, it translates sound into visual animation by creating color and wave moment, in this way, they know how alarming the sound is. For example, Alarm Glasses use red to indicate how loud the sound is as well as the danger, yellow for lower volume of sound. The second method is to give a vibration on the rear-side part of these glasses to get user’s attention.

Alarm Glasses for Deaf by Sangjin Joo

Alarm Glasses for Deaf by Sangjin Joo

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