A’ Design Award and Competition 2019–2020 has finally released winning designs from all over the world. It’s one of prestigious design competition that highlights best of the best from multiple design disciplines, just name it, they got it, from architecture, furniture, packaging design, futuristic, to concept. Every year, A’ Design Award honors designers and design oriented companies worldwide by providing them publicity, fame and recognition. There are not many design competitions that can channel the attention of medias, press, design critics, distributors, and buyers to design award winners just like A’ Design Award. Just like us, they truly believe that we need good design for a better future.
We want to emphasize the importance of this award to your design career, especially when you are fresh graduate in searching for your first job, or you are looking to get better opportunity in your design field. It’s not just an ordinary design award, A’ Design Award and Competition has become the indicator of quality and perfection in design. It is recognized worldwide and attracts eyes of design oriented audiences worldwide, as a winner, you’ll be able to find higher profile jobs and sales leads.
There are so many cool winning designs, this time, we’d like to highlight our top 20 A’ Design Award and Competition winners in random orders.
1. Sada Hubless Foldable Bike by Gianluca Sada – Golden Winner
With traffic congestion has become a new normal, we need better and sustainable mobility. Sada Bike is a hubless, foldable bike that promotes smart mobility, it can be folded in a single movement, giving user the advantage of carrying the bike on shoulder.
2. Infinity Armchair by Natalia Komarova – Golden Winner
Using the infinity symbol as its backrest, this chair design combines masculine and feminine design to present you not just a furniture but also a symbol of spiritual. The infinity symbol is similar to the inverted figure of number eight, which is in Chinese culture, it’s a sign of two worlds: Yin and Yang.
3. Crown of the Sea General Installation Art by Yu Liang Chen – Bronze Winner
inspired by traditional folk religion, this art installation wants to remind people to save this planet from damages done by human beings. Mazu, the Sea Goddess, sacrificed its own life and leave behind the crown to remind you to cherish the planet.
4. Blink Home Medical Device by Belfug Sener – Winner
Blink is a smart monitoring device that allows you to avoid waiting medical test from long waits in hospital. It helps you to perform simple and unobtrusive task in comfort and convenience of your home. This medical device can perform some basic medical tests and measure your vital signs, the data will be sent to your chosen physician for analysis and feedbacks.
5. Janus Watch by William Volcoff – Golden Winner
Watch lovers would agree that Janus watch is gorgeous. The design was born out of deep satisfaction of holding quality product. This timepiece design features an automatic watch that combines dual dials with interchange strap where user can flip or switch dials, change straps, to match their style or activity of the day.
6. Domik Ptashki Birdhouse by Igor Dydykin – Winner
A modern birdhouse design that aims to take care our avian friends while preserving their habitats. The design mimics natural hollow while its round shape reduces the effect of rain, snow and wind.
7. Bonita Pour Femme Perfume Packaging and Structure Design by Vishal Vora – Platinum Winner
At first sight, you’ll already know this perfume is specially designed for women with class. It features hobo bag as its visual narrative to tell story about femininity, class, and luxury.
8. Plover Multi Purpose Chair by Eric Tong and a Group of THEi Students – Platinum Winner
This multipurpose chair has been designed to capture free spirit of birds and their duality of solitary and social nature. It’s simple yet functional, this chair can be used individually or collectively for seminars or brainstorming. You can enjoy various sitting postures for different environments and work cultures.
9. Integration Multifunctional Air Purifier by Lafa Industrial Design College – Bronze Winner
Modern interior design loves open space that combines kitchen, dining, and living room as one cozy environment. This home appliance offers lamp and space purifier in one, it means that instead of placing this purifier in the corner of the room, you can place it onto a ceiling suspension where fresh air can be delivered to every corner and the lamp would light up the space.
10. Catzz Cat Bed by Mirko Vujicic – Platinum Winner
Form follows function, this cat bed features modern design that provides a cozy bed for your cat as well as good privacy. It would become an ideal hiding space and resting spot for your feline pal. The modular design allows you to reconfigure this bed as you like.
11. GrowForest Educational Learning Toy by Peishan Cai, Wanling Gao, and Haochun Hu – Silver Winner
GrowForest is an educational toy that teaches children to be aware about forest ecology. With large-scale deforestation, it has become crucial to make future generation aware about protection, conservation, and restoration of our forest, since it’s them and their future generations who will suffer the most. Using natural materials, this educational toy allows children to feel the warm touch of wooden texture, the unique scent of each tree species, and altitude terrain for different tree species. Green conscious parents, you should get this toy for your children.
12. Hill Wind Hotel and Resort by Huafang Wang – Platinum Winner
The architecture design of this hotel combines the local culture and historical context of the region. The design process adopts modern architecture context while infusing origami concept to create irregular shapes. This building creates visual spiritual resonance while highlighting the silence of forest and bird sounds in the depth of the mountain.
13. Clexi Secure Flash Drive by Maryam Heydarian and Bahram Piri – Winner
A stylish and secure flash drive inspired by the letter “X” as a sign of privacy. The combination of classic rose gold and gray colors make this flash drive stands out among others. It might look like just another flash drive, but it’s actually a smartphone controlled encrypted flash drive.
14. Cady Smart Cane Handle by Design Engineering at Harvard University – Winner
A cane has become the symbol of aging, Cady is a concept smart cane that wants to change that stigma through its design, function, and form. Cady provides a personalized coach in walking aid handle. This high-tech cane is able to pass rhythmic vibrations to subconsciously guide and encourage users to work with healthcare experts to improve their health and confidence.
15. Wu Gift Packaging by 7654321 Studio – Silver Winner
This packaging design is dedicated to house high-end tea vessels made in silver, brass and enamel. The classic and elegant design features dark green tone and decorated with autumn colors to create beautiful harmony. Each box carries tassels strung with “Wei Wu Zhi Zu” brass ancient coins as symbol of long happiness.
16. Pharmy Autonomous Mobile Robot by Arbo Design – Silver Winner
During coronavirus pandemic, an autonomous robot like this would be highly functional. Pharmy is an autonomous navigation robot designed to perform for logistics service, it can be programmed for hospital medicine distribution for better efficiency, cost reduction, and of course, safety.
17. Vehicle Safety Equipment Fire Extinguisher and Escape Hammer by Tongxin Zhang – Silver Winner
How many private cars are equipped with fire extinguishers? Not many, next question, how many private cars are equipped with escape hammers? Again, the answer is not many. You might not think of these two tools until you really need them in an emergency situation. This safety equipment combines fire extinguisher and safety hammer in one, the compact size makes it perfect to keep in your vehicle.
18. Bionic Photosynthetic Curtain by Sean Wei-Zhe Lin – Winner
This is certainly a futuristic curtain, it looks like plants all over the building but actually it’s an artificial photosynthesis system that imitate roots, stems, and leaves. But the system really works, those 3D printed leaves would operate photosynthesis process just like a tree to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
19. Brise Table Furniture Plus Fan by Wonho Lee – Silver Winner
Many fans are unused after summer, it stays in the garage or simply occupy our space and do nothing. Brise tries to combine a table and a fan in one, in this way, during summer, you can still use this table and enjoy cool breeze. When summer ends, the furniture would still functional wherever you place it.
20. Wave Blender by Leila Ensaniat and Nima Farzin – Golden Winner
A gorgeous blender that doesn’t look like typical blender on the market. The design represents its futuristic idea where in not so distant future, people would adopt a more nomadic and remote lifestyle. Featuring a compact size just like a large water bottle, Wave Blender is designed with exterior molded silicone for sure grip and provides an aesthetic experience.
You can be one of the winners, A’ Design Award and Competition 2020-2021 is open for early registration, you can submit your design here: https://competition.adesignaward.com/registration.php. With coronavirus pandemic all over the world and you have to stay at home, what could be the best way to spend your free time than designing your next project. You can also learn more about this design award from their official site http://www.adesignaward.com.