eBoard : Gestural Balance Board for Fitness

This eBoard is definitely going to help you out in your fitness activities. It is a gestural balance board made on the basis of centered approach. This board is a haptic device for gestural control and focused on balance and coordination training for users. eBoard is a box shaped device with cover smart camera, LCD display and many other advanced technologies to keep you fit and healthy. It is definitely going to cost little more than usual boards but due to its amazing features and technologies used, it is worth buying for fitness freaks.

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

eboard balance board for fitness

Designer : Mario Giordano

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2 thoughts on “eBoard : Gestural Balance Board for Fitness

  1. @ the idiot who designed this :

    Have you ever heard of Wii Fit? Buying a Wii and the game will probably be cheaper than this bulky piece of rubbish. Who wants one of these in their living room rather than a Wii Balance board I mean come on. Older people can use Wii Fit but just getting onto this hideous machine would be enough workout for them. If it is supposed to be the tilting surface that is unique then its not. Just put a Wii Balance board on top of a ball with a couple of cushions on either side and hey presto.

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